I watched Charmed when it first aired and somewhat fell off when Prue was replaced- my friends and I all watched the reruns in the summer, I recall my friend talking about watching it during naps while nannying.

BH 90210 was a show I became interested in fall 2008, my sister and I were studying abroad and watching a lot of YouTube due to our lack of American tv. We watched a top 10 list of Dylan and Brenda clips including the infamous Losing my Religion scored breakup scene and got the first season DVD for Christmas. The Slumber Party episode is my favorite in that season, and I loved seeing Brenda stand up to the bully.

Thank you for sharing the SMG interview, I always enjoy seeing clips of their friendship and reading SMG’s posts in particular but I had never seen this one. I loved Buffy starting at 8 yo due to videos being brought to our after school care and counselors letting us watch many things- thankfully my mom really enjoyed the show and let my twin and I watch it with her from then on.

Shannen Doherty was a complicated and talented woman and I appreciate her wanting to tell her story on her podcast before her death. I appreciate her unapologetic nature and confrontation of her experience in Hollywood.

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Thank you so much for writing this. Some of the ways people have talked about Doherty after her death feel like put downs. She was a complicated and deeply talented woman. I really appreciate your effort to detail her early life, personal politics, etc. You painted a portrait, and I can tell how much you care about her. Charmed was my favorite show growing up, so this really spoils to me. And that Riverdale episode is amazing. Great article!

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